Benefits of Ampalaya
Ampalaya, commonly called bitter melon, is among the bitterest tropical fruits. It is popularly acknowledged like a strong herbal cure for various disorders. Traditional medicinal experts use ampalaya for regulating blood sugar and treating gastrointestinal ailments. More health benefits of ampalaya are as follows;
1. Antiviral effects
Ampalaya has antiviral effects that can aid in treating and preventing infection. The leaves, seeds and fruits are usually warmed and then topically applied to burns and cuts on skin so as to guard against infection. A 2005 study revealed that a certain compound removed from ampalaya had the ability of inhibiting the development of Hepatitis B in the lab.
2. Alleviates common cold
You can utilize ampalaya for removing the common indications of colds like fever and coughing. It works by curbing small inflammations in your respiratory system, which normally result in mucus accumulation and the start of many respiratory ailments. Consuming ampalaya frequently therefore prevents many respiratory disorders.
3. Treats gastrointestinal problems
Ampalaya is beneficial in alleviating gastrointestinal ailments. In the sub-tropical and tropical parts of Africa and Asia where ampalaya is found in abundance, parasites are prevalent and this fruit is utilized for curing parasite-caused problems. Ampalaya seeds and leaves are used for making a juice or tea that is then consumed for treating upset stomach and diarrhea.
4. Regulates blood sugar
Compounds present in ampalaya fruit assist blood sugar management as they act in a similar manner like insulin naturally does, allowing glucose to be processed quickly. This is especially useful to diabetics, as they have to control their blood sugar with medications that normally have adverse effects. For such people, ampalaya offers a natural and safe method of regulating glucose uptake and metabolism.
Nevertheless, the juice made using ampalaya fruit has the possibility of causing nausea, convulsions and diarrhea. Sometimes the seeds cause headaches and increased hunger.