Benefits Of Symbiosis

Benefits of Symbiosis Symbiosis can be described as a mutual sharing between two species. Both organisms in such a relationship benefit each other with food and protection. Some types of insects and flowering plants have formed symbiotic relationships to benefit and enrich their own species. In a symbiotic relationship between insects and flowering plants, insects … Read more

Health Benefits Of Krill Oil

Health Benefits of Krill Oil Accounting for the world’s largest single species animals, a krill is a shrimp like crustacean. Once these creatures are captured, they are either eaten or oil is extracted from them and sold as a nutritional supplement in capsules form. Similar to fish oil, krill oil is rich in omega-3 fatty … Read more

Benefits Of Invasive Species

Benefits of Invasive Species Invasive species or native plants are found in their region of origin and provide many perks. Besides the benefits they offer to the community or the gardener, invasive species also benefit insects, butterflies, local wildlife, and the protection of plants species that face extinction. 1. Wildlife Native plants typically help protect … Read more

Benefits Of Yarrow

Benefits of Yarrow Yarrow grows naturally in North America, Asia and Europe. Various species of this plant are used like garden ornamentals. It is commonly used in herbal medication for treating diarrhea and hypertension. Here are more benefits of yarrow. 1. Astringent effects The astringent action of yarrow is beneficial in certain allergy cases where … Read more

Benefits Of Salmon

Benefits of Salmon Salmon is a popular species of fish found in fresh water rivers as well as in salty sea. It is commonly used in many Chinese restaurants due to its unique flavor and its many health benefits. Salmon contain essential vitamin A, potassium, niacin, calcium, iron and zinc responsible for overall body health. … Read more