Benefits Of Prune Juice

Benefits of Prune Juice

Prune juice comes from dried up plums, generally through re-hydrating the fruits in a water solution and then removing the liquid. It has a deep purple color and it is full of beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Here are benefits of prune juice.

1. High antioxidant source

Prune juice comprises high amount of certain antioxidants known as phenols that are known for their useful effects to body tissues. Research suggests that phenols are beneficial in inhibiting free radicals from harming the fats in the body. Since the brain cell and skin cell membranes are mostly comprised of fats, high intake of prune juice could possible assist in guarding against any cell harm to these important areas.

2. Prevents cancer

Vitamin A or beta carotene has a vast presence in prune juice. As a potent antioxidant, vitamin A protects from any additional cell damage. When cells are harmed, the cell walls can mutate or deteriorate, resulting in heart diseases, certain cancers and cholesterol blocked arterial walls. Prune juice comprises about 16% of beta carotene and thus regular consumption enhances the defense of the body against diseases.

3. Natural laxative

Insoluble fiber present in this particular juice is helpful, especially in intestinal and liver function. The stomach usually secretes fatty acids as a reaction to insoluble fiber. This helps to clean the colon while maintaining healthy regularity. Insoluble fiber also enhances the levels of good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol.

4. Reduces stroke risk

A diet rich in potassium offers numerous benefits such as lowering risk of hypertension and stroke. Prune juice provides an excellent potassium source with a half cup serving comprising of about 300 milligrams.

The main drawback of prune juice is that similar to other packaged juices, extra sugars and other unhealthy ingredients might be added in processing, negating or reducing its benefits.

1 thought on “Benefits Of Prune Juice”

  1. 100 g uncooked prunes yield 7 g dietary fiber whereas the same quantity of prune juice contains 1 g of dietary fiber, this proportion is considered little. Apparently, another natural form of laxative dihydrophenylisatin plays a greater role in encouraging bowel movement.


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