Benefits of Lime
Lime is taken all over the world in beverages, pickles, refreshing drinks, jellies, snacks and candies. It is also used for making mouth washes, disinfectants, beauty soaps as well as other various products. Below are medicinal uses and benefits of lime.
1. Digestion
The pleasing scent of lime waters the user’s mouth and therefore helps primary digestion. The acids present in lime aid in breaking down macro molecules, further improving digestion. Flavonoids extracted from lime enhance the release of digestive juices and bile, while also enhancing peristaltic motion. It is advisable to consume lime juice prior to eating food to receive the aforementioned benefits.
2. Scurvy treatment
Scurvy is the disease that comes about due to vitamin C deficiency in the body. It is characterized by regular infections with cold and cough, cracked lips, swollen gums and mouth ulcers among other symptoms. Because it is caused by vitamin C deficiency, then the appropriate remedy is only vitamin C. Lime has high amounts of this particular vitamin and it is a very effective scurvy treatment.
3. Skin care
Lime also has several benefits with regards to skin care. It may be applied externally in the form of lime oil or consumed internally through eating the fruit itself or drinking its juice. It revitalizes the skin, guards it against infections, keeps it glowing and also lessens body odor because of the presence of flavonoids and vitamin C, which are both excellent disinfectants and anti-biotic. When used externally on the skin, acids present in lime cleanse the skin and removed dead cells.
4. Eye care
The vitamin C content of lime has antioxidant effects that protect the eyes from macular degeneration and ageing. Furthermore, flavonoids assist in providing protection from infection.
However, lime seeds are poisonous, especially when ingested in large quantities. You are advised to avoid swallowing or chewing lime seeds every time you use this particular citrus fruit.