Benefits of cinnamon and honey

Sometime when natural ingredients are combined together in certain specific proportions, they work miraculously for curing many conditions and ailments. One such great combination which promotes wellbeing is the combination of cinnamon and honey that has been used for centuries as a natural home remedy against various disease and ailments. Use of cinnamon and honey … Read more

Benefits Of Honey Skin

Benefits of Honey Skin Honey is used as a sweetener in our food and drinks. Studies now show that honey can help with a variety of things and can treat a number of conditions as well. This is because it contains sugars like fructose and glucose and minerals such as phosphate, iron, calcium, sodium and … Read more

Benefits Of Raw Honey

Benefits of Raw Honey Raw honey is believed to contain live enzymes and essential amino acids, which keep you fit and healthy. It improves function of the immune system, providing protection from viral infections and diseases. One spoonful spread on bread or mixed with coffee can help you reap amazing health benefits. 1. Antiseptic properties … Read more

Benefits Of Manuka Honey

Benefits Of Manuka Honey Manuka is the name of a bush that is commonly known as a variant of tea tree plant. It is abundantly found in New Zealand and Australia. When bees feed solely on Manuka bush they produce a type of honey that has numerous positive characteristics and is known as the Manuka … Read more

Benefits Of Honey

Health Benefits Of Honey Unprocessed pure honey contains a natural sugar-sucrose that is very beneficial for the body. Honey is an excellent source of energy as one tablespoon of it contains 54 calories. Apart from all this honey has many benefits for humans. These include: 1.Helps to improve immunity of the body. Honey helps to … Read more