Benefits of Zucchini
Botanically a summer fruit, the Zucchini squash, popularly referred to as the Zucchini or summer squash, is gastronomically considered a vegetable of great nutritional value that also has several health benefits. A cylindrical shaped vegetable similar to cucumber or melon, it has a sweet and tangy flavor and is commonly available in green and yellow colors. This veggie is an integral part of traditional Italian, French, British, Spanish, and modern American, Australian, and Mexican cuisines. Let’s look at the benefits of this useful and healthy vegetable.
1.Rich in nutrients:
Zucchini is high in nutritional value and is considered a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A (due to its higher levels of carotenoids, such as beta carotene), magnesium, potassium, copper, fiber, folate, phosphorous, and riboflavin. It is also one of the best natural sources of manganese. It also provides a substantial dosage of vitamins B1 and B6. Other nutrient elements include proteins, zinc, calcium, iron, niacin, tryptophan, vitamin K, etc.
2.Alleviates disease symptoms:
This vegetable is believed to cure asthma because of its high levels of vitamin C. Regular intake of zucchini is also believed to lower high homocysteine levels and support the arrangement of capillaries. Increased homocysteine levels lead to heart attack and stroke. Its high levels of vitamin C and luetin also help your eyes by promoting and protecting its health. The folate, potassium, and vitamin A contribute towards general good health. Recent research has shown that the zucchini extracts help alleviate symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). This condition results in enlarged prostrate glands that lead to problems in urinary and sexual functions. The phytonutrients in zucchini along with other such foods help relieve symptoms of BPH. The copper in this vegetable helps reduce the agonizing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
3.Prevents diseases:
Zucchini is considered one of the best foods that help prevent scurvy, bruising, etc that are caused due to a lack of vitamin C. It also protects from the risk of multiple sclerosis and colon cancer. Although not as potent, zucchini also has anti-cancer elements. Its juice is considered to be almost equal in nature to those of leeks, radish, and pumpkin in its ability to protect against cell mutations. Most of the nutrients in zucchini help prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. It also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke along with reducing high blood pressure. It also prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, which is one of the major reasons for cholesterol build up in blood vessel walls.
Zucchini is considered one of the best disease-fighting foods because of its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
4.Anti-ageing properties:
Zucchini is believed to be an excellent anti-aging food. The anti-oxidants in it improve memory and reduce aging-related processes by up to 40%. According to a study conducted by the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, the vitamins A and E in combination with the omega-3 fatty acids encourages the absorption of fat soluble anti-oxidants and aids effective reconstruction of brain cells.
5.Reduces weight:
Zucchini contains more than 95% of water, which makes it one of the best foods for people on a diet. It is also a low calorie food with only 25 calories per 100gms, making it an appropriate food for those who aim to reduce their weight. Zucchini is also believed to be effective in increasing metabolism.
In addition to its various health benefits, zucchini is an integral ingredient in salads, stews, soups, lasagnas, casserole, cookies, muffins and cakes. It is proven that including zucchini to breads and cookies makes it 3 times more moist and gentle. A vegetable that is available through the year, use it regularly to promote your health and protect yourself by preventing diseases. Eat healthy. Be healthy.