Benefits of Senna
Several studies show senna herb has an array of health benefits and medicinal properties. The herb has proven effective in treating irregular bowel movement, aiding in weight loses, and constipation just to mention but a few. Although studies are still at their preliminary stages, below are the common uses of senna herb.
1. Promotes healthy digestion
For most people, drinking senna tea helps to keep a healthy bowel and prevent the discomfort caused by constipation. Despite promoting healthy digestion, it is always advisable to take the potent in moderate amounts in order to prevent the onset of potential health complications. As a precaution, make sure you consult a doctor prior to ingesting senna herb, particularly if you are on medication.
2. Laxative
Senna also acts as a laxative and is used in many weight loss products. Because many chemical based-cleaning products have adverse side effects such as painful cramping, most people now prefer the use of natural techniques to combat constipation, promote healthy weight loss, as well as detoxification.
3. Treats hemorrhoids
Research now shows that senna herb may also help in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Most people often fear buying creams at the chemist due to embarrassment, which acts as a hindrance on seeking other alternative remedies. Fortunately, you can now drink senna tea to help treat this undesirable condition once and for all.
4. Healthy weight loss
While most people drink senna herbal tea for healthy digestion, some use it as a weight loss diet . For others, senna herb is an effective weight loss supplement. Either way, you should takes senna herbal tea in moderation to avert potential side effects.
Too much consumption of senna herbal tea may cause adverse side effects including stomach cramps, nausea, rectal bleeding and dizziness. Nursing or pregnant mothers are advised to steer away from senna herbal products.