Benefits Of Omega-3
Omega-3- a grouping of polyunsaturated fatty acids are vital for maintaining good health but cannot be manufactured in the body. They should thus be consumed in sufficient quantities from outside sources through our daily diets. Omega 3 fatty acids work in combination with omega-6 fatty acids. Oily fish such as sardines and tuna and vegetable oils contain rich quantities of omega 3. Omega-3 allows appropriate quantities of nutrients to pass through the membranes and reach the body cells. They also help in the removal of waste products produced inside the cells. Omega-3 offers numerous benefits to our body, some of which are:
1.Helps to maintain fluidity in cell membranes.
Omega 3 permits the entry of nutrients in the cells via the cell membranes and removal of waste products from the cells. They thus help in maintain the permeability of cell membranes to various substances.
2.Promotes the growth of developing fetus.
Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential part of nutrition during pregnancy. It helps in the development and advancement of retinal and neural function in the developing fetus. The fetus developing inside the mother’s womb is unable to produce omega 3 fatty acids like DHA on its own. DHA is the main component in the formation of grey matter in the brain and therefore known as the building blocks of the brain. Sufficient intake of omega 3 helps in the development of brain.
3.Reduce the risk of heart attacks.
Omega 3 fatty acids help in the relaxation and dilation of the arteries. They thus ease the flow of blood in these arteries and prevent the risk of diseases like high blood pressure and heart attacks.
4.Helps to improve immunity.
Intake of sufficient quantities of omega 3 helps to improve the immune system of the body. The cells of the body are therefore capable of fighting disease causing organism and prevent form many diseases.
5.Helps prevent Rheumatoid arthritis
Omega 3 fatty acids help to prevent and reduce the sufferings in patients of rheumatoid arthritis.
6.Helps prevent learning disabilities in children.
Children who are given sufficient supply of Omega 3 fatty acids both during their fetal development in the womb of the mother and during their growth phase in the rest of their lives have a low rate of learning and behavioral disabilities.
It is easy as well as important to include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily fish, flax seeds, cauliflower, walnuts, scallops, broccoli, cabbage, squash, brussel sprouts, spinach, tofu, soybeans, shrimp herrings and pumpkin seeds, soybeans and dark leafy vegetables.