Benefits Of Iced Green Tea

Benefits of Iced Green Tea

Iced green tea has been used for years to treat various ailments and was popularly used by the Ancient Chinese people. In Ancient china, iced green tea was used to cure depression and headaches. Unlike your usual tea, it has low caffeine content which often causes nausea, frequent urination and insomnia. Here are some of the benefits of iced green tea.

1. Antioxidant effects
Iced green tea has powerful antioxidant effects that help improve your overall health. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in your body responsible for cell damage and increased risk of disease, as well as viral infections. Free radicals also lead to the growth of cancerous cells in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of iced green tea is beneficial to your health and general wellness.

2. Dental health
Drinking iced green tea can also prevent tooth decay as it contains fluoride. If you want to prevent cavities and oral bacteria, it is recommended that you drink iced green tea regularly. Oral bacteria often stick to the tooth enamel and cause build-up of food particles in between the teeth, which causes tooth decay. Apart from keeping normal hygiene, add ice tea into your daily nutritional plan for dental health.

3. Weight loss
Did you know that iced green tea helps in weight loss? Well, its antioxidant effects that inhibit cell damage also promote weight loss. It facilitates the breakdown of fats and increases metabolism, thus promote weight loss. Drinking two to three cups of iced green tea daily is a healthy way to lose weight. Nonetheless, proper nutrition alone will not help you achieve the desired results. You should also include physical exercise into your weight loss regimen.

Potential side effects of iced green tea to those sensitive to caffeine include irritability, restlessness, tremor, sleeping problems, and stomach upset. Put in mind that moderation is the key to prevent health complications.

1 thought on “Benefits Of Iced Green Tea”

  1. Ow, that’s so cool! Iced green tea is quite helpful to good oral health, as there are some things in green tea that are beneficial to the teeth! This is good news among tea lovers! Some studies show that tea (whether hot or cold) may reduce risks of gum diseases.


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