Benefits Of Abstinence Only Education

Benefits of Abstinence Only Education Abstinence only education focuses on only teaching the youth the benefits of abstaining till marriage. This ensures that they can avoid sexually transmitted ailments, HIV infection and also unintended pregnancies. Aside from viewing abstinence as the most suitable option of maintaining proper health, most supporters of abstinence only education also … Read more

Benefits Of Iced Green Tea

Benefits of Iced Green Tea Iced green tea has been used for years to treat various ailments and was popularly used by the Ancient Chinese people. In Ancient china, iced green tea was used to cure depression and headaches. Unlike your usual tea, it has low caffeine content which often causes nausea, frequent urination and … Read more

Benefits Of Hazelwood

Benefits of Hazelwood Hazelwood necklaces originated from North America and were used by the Aboriginal people to cure various ailments. The necklaces were believed to have healing powers on constipation, digestion, eczema, arthritis, nausea, heartburn, migraines and acid reflux. The reason they are popular is because they have no known side effects or allergy issues … Read more

Benefits Of Aditya Hrudayam

Benefits of Aditya Hrudayam Aditya Hrudayam is basically expressing our appreciation towards the Sun. There are a great variety of advantages that can be gotten for the daily recital of the Aditya Hrudayam. Below are examples of benefits of Aditya Hrudayam. 1. Healing properties Some individuals have gotten relief from their ailments through using Aditya … Read more

Benefits Of Liver Cleanse

Benefits of Liver Cleanse The liver’s responsibility is mainly digesting food and also processing the necessary fluids required for maintaining optimal health. Malfunctioning livers are usually the main causes of several physical and mental ailments. A liver cleanse effective eliminates all the toxic materials present in the liver, thereby re-establishing good mental and physical health. … Read more

Benefits Of Kava

Benefits of Kava Kava is a pepper that grows as a shrub in the South Pacific islands. The traditional Polynesian culture considered it as a sacred plant and thus it was used in various rituals and prayers. Even though kava root was chewed traditionally or used to make a beverage, nowadays it is majorly taken … Read more