Benefits of Fresh Ginger
Fresh ginger is popularly used in India and China. It started to become popular in most Western countries once people started using it like a spice. Traditionally, fresh ginger was used for treating several common conditions including upset stomachs, gas and hangovers. In fact, ginger can be seen on the official medication lists of various Asian and European nations. However, America still considers ginger as part of the dietary supplements.
The spiciness and taste of this root increases with time. Hence, ginger is therefore harvested over 6 -20 months. Underground roots of this particular plant are used both like a spice and medicinally. Ginger is accessible in various forms including, dried roots, teas, pills and extracts.
1. Medicinal purposes
Fresh ginger has extensive uses in medicine. A common ginger use is to treat and prevent stomach complaints like gas, reduced appetite and nausea. Furthermore, fresh ginger also benefits those suffering from bacterial dysentery, malaria, migraines, snake bites, arthritis pain and tooth pain also. You can also make ginger juice and then apply it onto the skin for assisting to heal burns, whereas fresh ginger oil stops pain and calms the skin.
2. Culinary purposes
Fresh ginger acts like a seasoning when used in various kinds of foods like curry pastes, pickles and chutneys. Young fresh ginger can be cut and then added onto a salad. Furthermore, you can also pickle or brine fresh ginger and then serve it like a condiment.
3. Health considerations
The internal and also external fresh ginger use is generally safe. Nevertheless, it might cause some mild adverse effects like diarrhea and gas when consumed in large amounts. There are even some individual instances of allergic reactions and abnormal heart rhythm reported after fresh ginger use. Lastly, fresh ginger should be avoided for treating morning sickness, since it has not been determined whether it is safe to be taken during lactat