Benefits Of Circuit training
Circuit training is an exercise routine that coalesce both cardiovascular fitness as well as resistance training. The method was proposed in 1950s and was at that time used as a method for developing general fitness of the people who followed this routine regularly. The preliminary routines were prearranged in a circular form, alternating among different muscle groups. For this reason it is commonly known as the circuit training. After each station a short interval of 30-90 seconds is permitted for rest. As a result cardiovascular fitness is achieved along with automatically getting the advantages benefits of resistance training. When a circuit training routine is developed, a variety of equipment and exercises are used for the purpose.
1.All round body training.
The demands ofÂ’ this kind of training,Â’ prepare the body in an even and all-round manner. It is an exceptional form of exercise that helps to condition the complete body and prevents any kind of injury during the workout.Â’ It is the most effective way to get total fitness.
2.Offers the advantages of personalized training.
Circuit trainingÂ’ methods can be completely personalized depending on the capability of the person performing the exercise. The exercise schedule can be modified whether the person is a novice, or an elite athlete. So it offers the benefits of personalized training.
3.Aids in developing fighting spirit.
Circuit training helps to inculcate fighting spirit in the exercisers. E.g. if a specific time period is decided for individual circuit, player gets a target to finish their circuit in least possible time. This provides a chance of improvement and aids in developing fighting spirit.
4.Time efficient in nature.
The circuit trainingÂ’ routine of workout is time efficient in nature. Little or no time is wasted between the sets. Thus the workout offers maximum results in least amount of time.
5.Versatile kind of workout.
Circuit training offers numerous advantages and can be performed for achieving a variety of results. Circuits are performed to develop muscular endurance, cardio-vascular endurance, muscular strength, agility, flexibility, and a other fitness benefits. The goals of the participants play an important role in determining the exercises.
6.Helps to enhance metabolic rate.
The circuit training exercises help to produce a positive effect on the metabolic rate of the body. This in turn improves digestion and all related processes positively.
7.Cost effective in nature.
Circuit training does not require any expensive instruments. You would require inexpensive items like surgical tubing, jump rope, dumbbells, physioballs, medicine balls, and weight training machines.
This trainingÂ’ can be performed anywhere in parks, playground, indoor stadiums, etc. apart from giving numerous benefits for health it is a time for fun and gathering with new friends to enjoy some moments of life.