Amniocentesis is a test method in which small quantity of amniotic fluid is removed from the sack which surrounds the fetus for testing. The amniotic fluid is collected by a small needle inserted in the uterus and then is sent to the laboratory for tests. Many different types of tests can be performed by this method. But it is mostly performed to check for certain birth defects which include problems such as birth defect or chromosomal abnormality. The benefits of amniocentesis test are as follows-
Accurate Detection of Birth Defects
Amniocentesis is a very reliable technique for detection of certain birth defects like
Down syndrome
Sickle cell disease
Cystic fibrosis
Muscular dystrophy
Trisomy 18
Besides, amniocentesis can very effectively detect various diseases other than genetic disorders
Suitable for Women with Birth Abnormality
Amniocentesis is particularly helpful for the women who possess the risk of genetic disorders. Amniocentesis can be very useful for them who-
Have birth defects in her family
Have been detected with abnormal ultrasound
Previously had a child with a birth defect
Will be 35 or more during giving birth
Amniocentesis can help these women detect their problems and avoid many dangerous birth defects.
Detect Problems of the Fetus
Neural tube defects such as Spina Bifida and Anencephaly can be effectively detected by amniocentesis. Spinal column and the brain of the fetus won’t develop properly if these diseases occur. This method can also efficiently detect infection by testing the amniotic fluid. So, it is better to check for these abnormalities before childbirth to get a healthy newborn.
Accurate Detection of Sex
Many parents want to know the gender of their baby before delivery. So, if you are having an amniocentesis test you can also ask your doctor for the gender of your baby. It is the most accurate technique to know the sex of the baby before birth.
Detection of the Fetal Lung Maturity
If amniocentesis is performed during the third trimester of the pregnancy, it can be understood whether the lung of the baby is mature enough for delivery. Problems like infant respiratory distress syndrome can be effectively detected and necessary control measures can be taken by performing amniocentesis.
Detect Rh Incompatibility
Rh incompatibility is caused when the mother’s blood group is Rh negative and that of her baby is Rh positive. This may cause serious trouble during pregnancy as well as after birth. The immune system of an Rh negative mother treats the fetus with Rh positive blood as a foreign substance and creates antibody against it. As a result it may destroy the baby’s blood cells. The fetus may suffer from jaundice and other serious diseases. Amniocentesis can very effectively detect Rh incompatibility.
Amniocentesis is a very effective and accurate testing method. Researches show that it is 99.4% accurate. But, like any other testing method it also possesses a certain degree of risk. So it is recommended for every pregnant mother to consult their doctor before undergoing this process.