Benefits of Support Groups
Support groups refer to groups of individuals who share one common difficulty or condition, such as substance abuse, grief or medical conditions. Members of support groups usually share their advice based on personal experiences. Such groups are run by hospitals, nonprofit organizations and also other recognized organizations. Joining a support group provides a wide range of benefits as clearly illustrated below.
1. Emotional support
Sharing your feelings with people who have similar problems can assist you to become emotional connected, particularly if you are feeling secluded from family and friends. A welcoming and safe environment filled with reassurance, understanding and compassion can also lessen any stigma linked to your condition. Members of these groups develop special bonds through sharing their honest feelings. Moreover, through sharing losses, humor and accomplishments, members also develop emotional connections to each other.
2. Coping skills
Support groups provide the opportunity of drawing on the collective experiences of people. Individuals who have already experienced a certain condition may have advice or tips for coping with the condition. Sharing these ideas may even inspire more coping skills and ideas. For example, exchanging information regarding medications can assist you see the way other people are handling side effects. Through learning the way others have dealt with similar issues, members can enhances their own surviving abilities. Groups also provided members accurate feedback every time they try out or consider new coping approaches.
3. Inspiration
Support groups also provide motivation, hopefulness and positive reinforcement. This can inspire you to put more effort towards recovery. Meeting regularly with people who understand your condition can assist you to become motivated to accomplish your goals. With backing from a good support group, members can take active roles in their treatment.
Since most support groups are usually run without trained therapists, members may lack the necessary knowledge of ways of fixing their problems.