Rubus idaeus- which is also commonly known as raspberry leaf or garden raspberry is a leaf of raspberry plant which is a shrub and has been used over the ages in folk remedies for its rich content of minerals, vitamins and tannins.
The benefit of brewing raspberry leaves and drinking raspberry tea was described for the first time in a book which got published in 1957.
Here are some of the major benefits of drinking raspberry tea which has been listed below:
Anti-inflammatory benefits
It has been proven since ages, that drinking raspberry tea helps in reducing pain and inflammations associated with diseases like arthritis and gout. Due to the presence of the chemicals known as anthocyanins, drinking raspberry tea four time per day helps in lowering the amount of anti-inflammatory medicines that are needed for curing inflammatory joint conditions. Boiling 1 ounce of dried raspberry leaves in a pint of water for a period of 15 minutes creates a concoction that one can drink for getting relief from these pains.
Acts as a powerful antioxidant
The antioxidants present in raspberry tea helps in protecting our cells from damages created by the free radicals in our body. Ellagic acid which is found in the raspberry leaves along with chemicals like anthrocyanins and quercitin also offers protection against fungal and bacterial infections which helps in alleviating irritable bowel syndromes and vaginal yeast infections in women. It has been observed that drinking raspberry tea for three times every day, aids in soothing the mucus lining of our gastro-intestinal track.
Strengthens the uterus
Native Americans have used raspberry tea as a uterine tonic for thousands of ages, which helps strengthening the uterine muscles during pregnancy. It is also believed that drinking raspberry tea helps in strengthening contractions during labor. The book “Back to Eden’ written by the famous scholar Jethro Kloss illustrates the benefit of drinking raspberry tea during the term of pregnancy.
Provides protection against cancer
Studies done on raspberry tea in South Carolina’s “Hollings Cancer Center’ shows evidences that as the human body easily absorbs Ellagic acid, this chemical helps in demolishing certain type of cancer cells, specially carcinomas in places like tongue, colon, lungs, esophagus, skin and breast tissues.
Helps in strengthening the heart and circulatory system
Raspberry tea, which is high in its content of gallic acid and Vitamin C have shown to protect the heart and circulatory system. It also helps in slowing down the advancement of age related diseases and it rejuvenates our skin.
Apart from these above mentioned benefits raspberry tea has also been used for several centuries as a folk remedy for treating diseases like cold sores, canker sores and for treating gingivitis in persons of all age. This tea is also an excellent medicine against anemia, diarrhea, leg cramps and morning sickness in pregnant women.
However raspberry leaf tea must not be ingested by anyone who is also taking medications like codeine, atropine, acetaminophen, theophylline and ephedrine as it may cause nausea and loose stool when both these medications are taken simultaneously.