Benefits of OOP
Object oriented programming or OOP offers various advantages to both a user and program designer. It contributes to provide solutions to most of the problems linked to the development of software. OOP promises better programmer productivity, enhanced software quality and reduced expenses of maintenance. The major advantages of OOP include;
1. Increases speed
By using OOP, you not only make software development quicker, but your programs will also run much faster. Program developers have to constantly learn and try new things so as to increase their speed. OOP offers separation of several objects. It is also easy to divide or partition work in certain projects based on the objects. Furthermore, you can remove unnecessary requests to files or databases, further increasing speed.
2. Practical approach
A major OOP advantage is the fact that it is highly practical. In fact, it is not such a different standard. Object oriented programming offers program developers simpler syntax and better organization. All parts of this particular design are about practicality, with some areas proving to be even more practical as compared to others.
3. Inheritance
The OOP allows the creation of subclasses, which then inherit al the methods and properties of the class. Subclasses can override the methods in the superclass as well. A key advantage linked to using subclass structure in OOP is that it makes it simpler to reuse code between several classes.
4. Polymorphism
Object oriented approach allows you to express the difference existing between classes by using a method known as polymorphism. Here, classes can easily define specialized applications of methods displayed by their super classes. That is the major reason why systems using OOP can be upgraded easily from small systems to large systems.
Nevertheless, many programmers believe that the code may be very difficult to read because of polymorphism and inheritance found in OOP.