Benefits of Omega 7
Omega 7 is essential for proper bodily functions and for the development of other body organs.
1. Boosts cardiovascular health
Omega 7 fatty acids not only improve your cardiovascular system, but also work towards maintaining proper cholesterol levels, thereby flushing away excess fats in the process. Healthy cholesterol goes a long way in enhancing your overall cardiovascular health.
2. Prevents common heart diseases
Heart attack often occurs when plaque blocks arteries, preventing circulation of blood to other organs. Plaque is also known to affect function of the brain and may lead to stroke. Omega 7 prevents the buildup of plaque in the bloodstream, thus preventing the risk of strokes and heart attack.
3. Improves brain function
Pregnant women are highly advised to increase their consumption of essential fatty acids to ensure healthy brain function in young children and infants. Essential oils also boost memory, reasoning abilities, and intelligence quotient.
4. Relieves inflammation and pain
Omega 7 fatty acids provide relief from chronic pain and inflammation. They are known to strengthen the nervous system and joints, and are effective when it comes to alleviating painful joint inflammation caused, for example, by arthritis.
5. Reduces depression
Omega 7 can be taken to treat common emotional disorders. Recent studies indicate that regular intake of Omega 7 supplements can successfully alleviate anxiety, psychoses, and depression.
6. Reduces certain types of cancer
Omega 7 fatty acids have been shown to prevent the development of cancerous cysts/lumps, eradicate malignant cells, and promote healthy cellular growth. Regular consumption of essential fatty acids may also reduce colon or breast cancer.
There are no major drawbacks associated with the use of Omega 7 if it is taken as directed. However, overdose can result in hemorrhagic stroke or internal bleeding. For this reason, it is always advisable to consult with your doctor or a nutrition specialist before you begin an Omega 7 or essential oils supplement regimen.
Benefits of Omega 7 (seven)? Or did the author of this article meant Benefits of Omega 3 (three) ???
7 and 3 are two different things !