Benefits of Object Oriented Approach
The object oriented approach is mostly used for managing the intricacy of various software systems. Using this particular approach offers the important benefit of lessening the major costs linked to software systems like maintenance and also the creation of the programming code. Read on and discover more benefits of object oriented approach.
1. Lowers maintenance
One of the primary goals of using the object oriented approach is the guarantee that a system is going to enjoy an extended life with only small maintenance costs. The money saved from the reduced maintenance costs can be utilized in other parts of the firm. The reduction in maintenance practices is because the OOP encapsulates the processes in the system. This means that behaviors can be reused as well as incorporated into other new behaviors.
2. Simplifies complex systems
Another essential benefit of making use of the object oriented approach is that it simplifies the structure of a complex system. This enables regular changes to made to the design, instead of lock-in. It is thereby possible to refine the system as you continue building, instead or getting stuck. This property of the object oriented approach encourages functional and consistent layout and interface across the system.
3. Enhances speed
The object oriented approach enhances the speed of putting up new collections or reusing existing data. It also makes quick development possible by prototyping design. Searches can be sped up as well through using the OOP method, making them even more accurate and precise.
4. Increases reliability
Object oriented systems have been proven to be more reliable in contrast with traditional system. This is primarily because they allow for the development of new behaviors from existing ones.
The only drawback to using object oriented approach is that it has not yet been fully accepted by the major vendors.