Benefits of Khajoor
Khajoor, commonly known as dates are rich in carbohydrates, minerals, enzymes, fats, proteins, Vitamin C and B. Also, they contain calcium and phosphorus believed to treat a number of diseases. Read on and learn the benefits you can get from eating dates. Nevertheless, put in mind that too much consumption is harmful to your health.
1. Treats constipation
Khajoor is considered a laxative food. That is why it is useful for individuals suffering from digestive disorders like constipation, irregular bowel movements, stomach upset, as well as gastric ulcers. In order to get its laxative effect, you should soak khajoor for 12 hours in water then consume them early in the morning.
2. Intestinal disorders
Due to its nicotinic content, consumption of khajoor is useful for treating a variety of intestinal ailments. Regular intake of khajoor helps to keep a normal check of pathological organisms, which helps promote the development of healthy bacteria.
3. Boosts cardiovascular health
Khajoor are quite useful in improving heart health and reduce your risk to diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack. When soaked overnight and crushed, they prove a must have diet for those with heart problems. When taken regularly, dates can help improve heart health.
4. Increases sexual stamina
Studies also show that Khajoor is useful for increasing potency in men. When soaked overnight in goat’s milk then grinded with honey and cardamom powder, it becomes an essential tonic for increasing sexual stamina and sterility.
5. Reduces cancer risk
Consumption of khajoor is beneficial for treating abdominal cancers. Studies show that it acts as a tonic and works efficiently without any undesirable side effects. Moreover, they are easily digested to supply the needed energy in the body.
There are no side effects of taking khajoor when consumed in moderation. Nonetheless, you should put in mind that too much consumption is harmful to your health.