Benefits of Internationalism
First, we had the industrial revolution, and now we have the internationalism revolution. Industrial development and trade have always been characterized by the need to keep costs low and profit margins high, this in turn has led to various developments. Today, businesses look forward to solutions that improve their profits not only in the domestic market but also in the international markets. When businesses look at international solutions they impact the domestic market adversely temporarily, but in the long run bring about benefits to the economy as a whole. This is the basic logic behind internationalism. However, internationalism is no longer a concept limited to business and economy. Internationalism has today permeated into other aspects of living such as education, law, culture, etc. Let’s look at the benefits of internationalism.
1.Economic benefits:
The most important economic benefit of internationalism is low costs and a global increase in business and trade. Lower production costs mean lower price inflation. By looking at international markets and global customers to purchase products and by creating global demands for local products, internationalism leads to overall increase in business activities.
2.Political benefits:
Economic benefits invariably lead to political benefits. Any two nations that promote trade amongst themselves want to ensure smooth political relationships to continue that trade. Therefore, economic tie-ups also lead to political interdependencies and better understanding of each others culture. Internationalism has led to the need to maintain peace and better understanding and prevent wars between nations. Politicians now look into any economic ramifications before making decisions as they no longer want to upset their economic partners or key business investors.
3.Educational benefits:
Internationalism has also led to major changes in the field of education, benefiting both students and Universities. Most of the major universities, colleges, and technical institutions have opened their doors to deserving foreign students enabling global education. This has brought about huge benefits to the student community who are able to qualify themselves and proceed into career opportunities that their own nations do not provide. This is especially true of the developing and under-developed nations. Universities and colleges also benefit from it as they can create a more culturally varied environment in their campuses which creates a ground for overall social and cultural development of their student community.
4.Cultural benefits:
When nations conduct business, politics, or even student exchange programs, there arises a need for each country to learn and understand their partners’ language, culture, and systems. Thus internationalism promotes a trend of global brotherhood and peace. By learning the culture, language, and history of another nation we also learn to tolerate each other’s views paving the way for world peace and stronger ties.
5.Legal benefits:
Better economic and political ties between nations also help in undermining crime and international terrorism. Therefore internationalism also brings about various legal benefits. Nations are ready to provide vital information regarding crimes or criminals that will help others countries to stop or prevent unlawful activities. Nations also come together to break down international terrorism thereby protecting their own interests as well as global interests.
Thus, internationalism has several benefits in various aspects of society. There are some drawbacks in every system and although there might seem some ills to internationalism, we need to see beyond the now and look into tomorrow, when this system will benefit the local, national, and international society as a whole.