Benefits of IMAP
IMAP or internet message protocol is a common protocol that is used to access E-mail from a personal computer. It allows you to create mailboxes or folders, search an entire note, or delete messages. For instance, when you use Outlook Express, Eudora or Netscape Messenger, you can view the header information to help you decide whether you should download the E-mail or not.
1. Synchronizes devices better
The main benefit using IMAP is that it allows you to use Thunderbird, Vista Mail, and Outlook. You can send email on different devices, for instance (on a desktop, a laptop) while keeping the devices synchronized together.
2. Fast download speeds
IMAP has fast download speeds especially when you want to download large files using a slow internet connection. Furthermore, it also provides attachments and folders to help you retrieve messages when you log into a different computer.
3. Easier to manage messages
IMAP provides direct access to your mail, allowing you to download and edit your messages. Also, it becomes easier to manage your messages because they are stored on your email server. Nonetheless, make sure not to leave any sent Drafts, Trash or mail when you log out.
4. Access to archived messages
The user also has the ability to manipulate folders both online and offline. This means you can transfer messages from one location to another, and access all archived messages, allowing you to manage multiple message folders.
5. Improve work flow
IMAP supports a well-defined keyword/ tagging infrastructure, allowing you to sync messages with other devices. Also, you can send simultaneous updates or update the messages in synchronized folders.
IMAP has some loopholes that require attention from your part. You need to take necessary steps to ensure you trash your Drafts and Sent Mail. Also, IMAP is a bit technical to most users who are used to Post Office Protocol 3.