Benefits of CIA

All careers at CIA are highly rewarding. Besides serving your nation with the guarantee that your hard work makes an impact, the CIA has a great benefits package that reflects the contribution and dedication of the employees. Here are the major benefits of CIA.

1. Child care

A major benefit of being part of the CIA is the child care benefit offered. The CIA actually sponsors to credited daycare facilities which accept children of all ages. One program even offers a whole day kindergarten facility. Additionally, eligible workers can also participate in the subsidy program. You can also receive referrals to other daycare centers.

2. Job flexibility

The CIA also offers alternative work hours and schedules to enhance employee morale. As such, you should expect lots of flexibility with regards to scheduling work hours once your become a CIA employee. Some of the options available include part time, compressed week, job sharing and gliding schedule based on the current office needs.

3. Extensive support

The CIA prides itself in providing both family and personal support to all its employees through the work-life program. This program provides useful information and also answers any questions concerning both work and family situations. This means CIA workers have an access to counseling and emergency assistance among others. Preparation for abroad assignments is also accessible for both family members and employees.

4. Moving cots

Another CIA benefit is that it reimburses new workers certain expenses for personal as well as dependent travel costs. This includes the shipment and transportation of all household goods that do not exceed 17,000 pounds. The CIA ensures that all its employers have access to good housing facilities through providing them sufficient salaries.

There are some disadvantages of being a CIA worker. For instance, you might be sent away on overseas assignment and you might end up really missing your friends and family.

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