Benefits of Asian Pears
Asian pears, also called Japanese pears, are small yellow fruits that are normally mistaken for apples upon first glimpse. However, these pears have the sweet taste that is similar to other pears. Other than its appealing taste, Asian pears contain numerous beneficial nutrients. Regular intake of Asian pears provides several benefits as expounded further below.
1. Improve cardiovascular health
Asian pears may offer cardiovascular improving benefits when consumed regularly like part of heart healthy diet s. The fiber found these pears lowers levels of blood cholesterol, a factor that contributes to cardiovascular complications. Furthermore, since Asian pears offer a low fat and low calorie food, this keeps the whole body healthy.
2. Weight loss
Regular Asian pears consumption contributes to weight loss, which is especially vital in obese people. These pears contain lots of fiber and this assists in making people feel fuller for longer periods. This helps to manage appetite and prevent over indulging, further promoting weight loss.
3. Provide vitamin C
Asian pears deliver about 80% of the recommended vitamin C content. Vitamin C has antioxidant effects that could possibly maintain eye health, guarding against a degenerative condition known as cataracts. The intake of fruits that are rich in vitamin C, like Japanese pears, lessens a person’s chances of developing age-linked macular degeneration, a very serious eye ailment that can causes blindness.
4. Enhance colon health
The fiber that Asian pears supply translates into about 14% of the commended daily fiber requirements. Dietary fiber controls the digestive system, preventing hemorrhoid and other uncomfortable colon ailments like diverticulitis. Furthermore, the antioxidant properties of Asian pears prevent colon damage, which may result in cancer.
Asian pears are not considered as an allergenic food and they are not dangerous provided they are taken in healthy amounts. Their fiber content can cause stomach irritations if excessively consumed.