Corn is something more than just being a delicious crop. Corn or sweet corn, as you know it, is a super crop with multiple health benefits. In the area of agriculture sweet corn has a leading position. Corn is a type of whole grain foodstuff which is high in fiber yet low in fat. Corn features almost all the essential nutrients and it weights up to 80 cal. For a medium sized ear. This is the reason corn is regarded as a healthy crop and dieticians sometimes advice to keep corn in your daily diet.
Now, let’s take a look at a few major benefits of eating corn.
1. Rich in Fiber
Corn is full of essential fiber. A medium sized sweet corn ear offers more than 10% of your daily fiber intake. Now, you will understand the importance of keeping this foodstuff in your daily diet.
2. Friend for Your Heart
Daily intake of corn regularize blood pressure and control cholesterol levels in blood. This is the reason eating corn significantly reduces the risks of heart failures and other cardiac diseases. Its dietary fiber properties helps in binding cholesterol particles keeping it away from getting absorbed into your blood stream.
3. Ideal food for Your Weight Management Routine
Sweet corn helps you control your appetite between meals. Corn has fiber and it keeps you full for a longer time. You are less likely to crave for snacks and other junk foods between you regular meals. The result is a balanced calorie intake resulting to safe weight loss. Many dieticians recommend corn for a successful weight management program.
4. Prevents Macular Degeneration in Eyes
Corn has two important carotenoids; zeaxanthin and lutein. Scientific studies have proved that moderately higher consumption of these two carotenoids significantly reduces a particular type of chronic eye disease called Macular Degeneration. This disease is the prime cause of blindness to the elderly people. There is no cure for this disease rather than preventing it through the intake of zeaxanthin and lutein. Only corn featured both of these carotenoids in adequate quantity.
5. Prevents Cataracts in Eyes
The two important carotenoids present in sweet corn are also responsible in lowering the risks of cataracts. Lens in human eyes only contain these two elements. Scientists claim that these two agents may help in protecting clear protein molecules in eyes and prevents your lenses from becoming cloudy as it happens in cataract.
6. Fights Cancer and Other Inflammatory Diseases
Corn has a special nutrient called beta-cryptoxanthin. This nutrient falls in the category of vitamin A, another helpful vitamin for eyes. Beta-cryptoxanthin has a definite role in reducing bone loss and preventing deadly inflammatory diseases such as lung cancer. It also helps in fighting rheumatoid arthritis.
7. Reduces the Risk of Type II Diabetes
Rich dietary fiber contents in corn is responsible for reducing the occurrence of Type II diabetes in a diabetes-prone patient. Corn as a supplemental diet helps diabetic patients manage their disease efficiently. It can also be used as a pre-diabetic treatment measure.
Corn has many benefits other than the above mentioned ones. However, these 7 benefits are on the top of charts as studies has shown reliable result.