Benefits of Jamaican Black Castor Oil
Castor oil has been used for centuries to treat a number of ailments. Containing Vitamin E and Omega-6 fatty acids, Jamaican castor oil has many topical uses and is a natural hair treatment. Jamaican black castor is more popular since it raw, so it has more nutrients that thicken the hair. However, organic castor oil offers similar benefits. Read on and find out the many benefits of Jamaican black castor oil on hair.
1. Treats dry hair
Jamaican black castor oil is rich in Omega-9 fatty acids that moisturize the scalp, which prevent your hair from drying out. Applying castor oil regularly can help moisturize your roots and scalp to prevent dry air, as well as promote hair growth. If your hair is thinning out, Jamaican black castor oil is right for you.
2. Hair health
The oil also prevents hair damage and enhances its health, which leads to thicker hair on regular use. Also, why not try adding castor oil to hair conditioners but use the right amount to prevent greasy hair. For example, one teaspoon of castor oil is enough.
3. Good for damaged hair
It is a great hair conditioner that can help treat dull and damaged hair. Simply mix Jamaican black castor oil with castor oil to make it lighter. Apply it on the air at both ends and massage it gently into the scalp, then wash it after an hour with a quality shampoo. Rinse your hair and remember to treat it regularly so as to keep it shinny.
4. Prevents hair loss
Jamaican castor oil can also help to ward off infections that often cause hair loss, as well as scalp disease. When you apply it on dry hair, it eliminates head lice and dandruff, as well as dry and greasy hair.
While there are no side effects associated with Jamaican castor oil for hair treatment, you should use it in moderation.