Major Benefits of Soaking Grains

Major Benefits of Soaking Grains

Grains are very important components of our daily meal. But sometimes eating whole grain is not recommended for our health. That is when soaking comes in handy. Whole grains can be soaked in normal water, salt water or water mixture with baking soda. Soaking grains eliminates the toxic substances found in the whole grains. The major benefits of soaking grains are as follows-

1. Remove or Reduce Phytic Acid

Phytic acid is present in the outer layer of all grains. After combining with copper, magnesium, calcium and especially zinc, phytic acid can block their absorption in the intestinal tract. As a result of that, taking whole grains can cause significant mineral deficiencies as well as bone loss. Eating large amount of whole grains can cause problems in our bowl system. Soaking grains enables important enzymes and bacteria to break down phytic acid.

2. Neutralize the Enzyme Inhibitors

There are two kinds of enzymes in our body, the digestive enzymes and the metabolic enzymes. Digestive enzymes breaks food and metabolic enzymes assists in every biological activity. The outer protective layer of the seeds contains numerous enzyme inhibitors. If ingested, enzyme inhibitors restrict the activity of an enzyme. Whole grains especially nuts contain a huge amount of enzyme inhibitors. Therefore, soaking or partial sprouting is the best way of eating nuts which neutralizes the activity of the enzyme inhibitors.

3. Increase the Quantity of Vitamins

Neutralization of enzyme inhibitors by soaking triggers the formation of various essential enzymes. These enzymes increase the production and bio availability of many healthy vitamins especially vitamin B. Vitamins are extremely important for our health. Along with numerous functions it converts glucose from food into ATP which is responsible for producing energy in our body.

4. Makes Digestion Easier

Soaking grains help to neutralize phytic acid which in turn enables the helpful organisms and enzymes to break down the complex starches and proteins into simpler components. Enzyme inhibitors also hinder the process of digestion. Soaking prevents the activity of these enzyme inhibitors and improves our bowel activity.

5. Prevent Many Health Diseases

Soaking lessens allergic reactions and sensitivity of many grains. Soaking helps to digest easily which increases our body immunity. Development of healthy bacteria also prevents many diseases. Phytic acid is mostly responsible for our tooth and bone decay. Therefore soaking helps protect our teeth. Diseases like Alzheimer and diabetes can be kept under control in this way. Various heart diseases can be minimized by taking soaked grains.


Soaking is always the best way to take our grains. The benefits are clearly visible. Besides above mentioned ones soaking reduces tannins, accelerates the production of important enzymes, assists protein absorption and neutralize the toxins in the colon. Therefore, it is heavily recommended to soak your grains before taking.

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