Benefits of Yellow Dock
I am sure most people are not familiar with yellow dock, a perennial plant that thrives well in average soil and humid condition. The plant is native to Europe and North America and has been known to have many health benefits. Read further and learn the many uses and health properties of this amazing plant.
1. Treats anemia
Yellow docks contain high iron content that makes it effective for treating anemia. Therefore, it is recommended for patients with blood disorders, scurvy, scrofula, spring eruption and chronic skin disease. It has also been proven to prevent disease of the lungs as well as scabby eruptions.
2. Boosts liver health
Yellow dock has the ability to clear your blood, thereby help in transporting oxygen to where it is needed in the body, enhances health of the liver, lymph gland, intestines and kidneys. Moreover, it can be used externally to treat jaundice due to its astringent and antiseptic properties.
3. Reduces inflammation
Traditional herbal drugs favor yellow dock among other medicines. It is a useful topical application in treating chronic skin diseases and psoriasis, scabby eruptions, swellings, and itching. Since its roots have laxative and mild tonic properties, the ointment can help to alleviate the symptoms of conditions like arthritis.
4. Aids in digestion
The plant has astringent effects that may be useful in treating dysentery, as well as alleviating common digestive disorders like constipation. In addition, it is beneficial for patients with blood disease.
5. Eliminates toxins
Yellow dock may help in eliminating toxins and wastes from the blood, and is also effective in cleaning the digestive tract. Regular consumption of yellow tea has proven to be valuable in improving function of the digestive system.
Excessive consumption of yellow dock can lead to calcium deficiency as well as fatigue, mouth numbness, confusion. Just like any other herbal medicine, always ensure that you moderate your intake.