Benefits Of Witch Hazel

Benefits of Witch Hazel

Witch hazel, popularly known as Winterbloom or Hamamelis Virginiana is a nutritious shrub prominent in North America. The plant has become widespread and is grown in Asia and Europe as well. It was earlier used as poultice, to cure inflammation and swelling. Today, it is widely used in facial care in regards to eliminating skin blemish and unsightly facial features.

1. Treats insect bites and bruises

Extract from this versatile herb are used in lotions that help to reduce inflammation caused by insect bites as well as bruises. Moreover, witch hazel is an active ingredient in making aftershave lotions and cosmetic creams.

2. Combats premature aging signs

Are you seeking effective ways to keep premature signs of aging at bay? Well, witch hazel has both hemostatic and astringent properties, which help to eliminate unsightly facial features, including skin blemish, acne, chubby cheeks, white heads and black heads. Additionally, it helps to mitigate irritated skin, either caused by lotions or insect bites.

3. Prevents tumor growth

It has widely been used to treat painful bruises, swellings, tumors, bruises and skin problems such as eczema. On the other hand, the bark and leaves of the plant are used to alleviate common digestive disorders such as constipation, acid reflux and irregular bowl movement. You can also use tea injection to treat inward bleeding piles.

4. Reduces blood loss

Witch hazel can help prevent excessive blood loss during menstruation, and control itching and minor pain. Studies have shown its ability to provide protection from UV rays.

5. Eliminates rashes

You can use witch hazel to get rid of rashes and reduce the inflammation and pain caused by skin disease. If you experience irritation of the eyelids, add warm water in a bowl of witch hazel and then apply on the affected area.

Excessive use is harmful to your health, especially when taken internally. It can cause intestinal irritation, as well as liver damage but research is still at its preliminary stage.

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