Benefits of Universal Health Care
There is a huge debate in regards to the provision of universal health care, which aims to provide health care to all citizens. Many people believe a new health care plan will lead to increased taxes, as well as increase in prices of foods. However, universal health care has the potential to provide affordable health care to all irrespective of age, color, gender and creed.
1. Boosts the economy
Universal care will play a role in shaping our economy. This provides hope to individuals who are shackled to their current jobs solely because they have insurance courage. Moreover, new health care system and health insurance will give people incentives to start their own companies, which lead to economic growth.
2. Affordable health care
The new health care system will provide affordable health care to the citizens, with emphasis on employees who lack insurance coverage. Employers will have the obligation to provide insurance coverage to employees, which in beneficial in case of unexpected incidents in the workplace.
3. Lower insurance premiums
Universal health care aims to provide health care to the less fortunate, and also those who are not eligible for Medicaid. Unemployed families will receive lower heath insurance premiums. The new health system will put measures in place to ensure that health insurance providers offer affordable insurance coverage.
4. Insurance coverage for small businesses
The practical application of universal health care system will provide health insurance to small businesses, and covers both the employers of small businesses as well as those in self-employment. Workers will also have the opportunity to keep their insurance coverage when they decide to move to another job.
5. Medical research
Doctors will be given incentives to improve the quality of health care in order to avoid fatal mistakes. Through medical research and better health care, patients will enjoy affordable health care.
Many people believe that universal health care will lead to increased taxes, as well as increased cost of living.