Benefits of Reviewing
Reviewing involves using personal experiences for your development and learning. The reviewing process helps an individual to get more benefits from recreation, life and work. Alternative terms used to describe reviewing include reflection, debriefing and processing. Below are benefits of reviewing.
1. Creates new perspectives
A key reviewing advantage is that it enables an individual to consider a certain experience from a different perspective. Through observing an experience using various angles, people are able to escape from their normal vision, therefore learning how to look at the larger picture.
2. Encourages self-expression
Many people find it difficult to chat about certain experiences. Nevertheless, a sensitive and imaginative reviewing method can assist such people to locate the correct medium that they can use to fully expressive themselves. In such cases, creative and expressive arts are especially helpful in reviewing to foster self-expression.
3. Empowers people
Reviewing improves people’s capability of learning from group or individual experiences. Enhanced learning ability combined with improved confidence enables people become even more capable and independent. Moreover, it also encourages self-development and builds a person’s sureness.
4. Offers support
Reviewing is usually regarded as a useful safety net due to the reassurance provided in the unlikely event of letdown. This encourages individuals to take more risks in their lives. Whether they experience success or failure, reviewing offers an opportunity of analyzing the causes to make certain that people learn methods of avoiding failure and achieving success.
5. Caring
Through reviewing our actions we demonstrate that we also value what other people think concerning a certain issue. When people observe that they are valued, respected and cared for as individuals, it is highly likely they will become better learners.
Reviewing may negatively affect your moods and cause sadness, especially if you discover that you had tackled a certain situation incorrectly.
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