Benefits of Parsnips
Similar to carrots, parsnips have a much stronger flavor and are paler in color. Parsnips are biannual plants that have succulent pulps and thick roots. They are usually grown on level fields and only the plant roots are eaten. Read on and discover health benefits of consuming parsnips.
1. Fiber
Parsnips contain high amounts of soluble fiber, which assist in maintaining blood sugar and lowering cholesterol. Fiber is also necessary for reducing constipation and preventing heart ailments and hypertension. Through lessening cholesterol, the fiber present in parsnips helps to prevent the formation of plaques in blood vessels.
2. Enhance immune function
Since parsnips act like excellent sources of niacin and vitamin C, they assist in enhancing the function of a person’s immune system. This means that diseases and ailments are better prevented following intake of parsnips. In addition, they also promote healthy function of nerves, skin and the digestive system.
3. Benefit asthma patients
Individuals with asthma are advised to consume parsnips frequently to manage their condition. Parsnips benefit such people through improving bronchial function, thereby reducing the harshness of asthma. They also improve blood flow in the lungs, further helping asthma patients.
4. Benefit pregnant women
Parsnips are quite important for women looking to get children because they help to reduce the likelihood of certain birth defects. This benefit is because of its high folic acid content. Folic acid is also essential for preventing osteoporosis and dementia.
5. Sweet taste
The natural sugars found in parsnips provide a sweet and appealing taste. Actually, parsnips are regarded to be sweeter as compared to carrots. Most of the sugar content in parsnips is sucrose, which is similar to the sugar that is extracted from sugar canes in sugar production.
However, because parsnips do not have beta carotene, you ought to consume more carrots to get this particular nutrient.