Benefits of Official Language
The official language is the language that is used to carry out official business in a country. The most common official language is English. Further down are benefits of making use of an official language.
1. Promotes literacy
Having an official language means that every person should be capable of speaking fluently in the language and thus it helps promote literacy. It is going to motivate the citizens to enhance their knowledge of the official language since it is what they need to use with regards to carrying out any official businesses. This leads to a more literate and integrated nation.
2. Financial benefits
If you become adept in your official language, especially English, it is highly likely that you are also going to benefit financially. Being required to learn an official language could possible raise the income of an immigrant by a huge margin. In fact, immigrants who are fluent in English in America earn about 55% more than American-born employees.
3. Educational success
Research clearly illustrates that the main educational challenge for most people is language. High proficiency in an official language is directly associated with educational success. If you really want to succeed in your studies, then you ought to place more emphasis on language. In addition, most exams are tested using the official language.
4. Encourages unity
Most Americans think that maintaining English as the official language is vital in preserving national unity. Another study shows that America stands a chance of being separated by language. A good example of this division is Canada, in which parts of the federal budget have to be directed to handling official business in French as well as English.
5. Saves money
Having one official language saves government money that would have been spent translating various public documents as well as offering translation services.
Nevertheless, an official language does not promote cultural diversity, which can lead to isolation of other languages.