Benefits of National Guard
There are many perks of working in the National Guard. Apart from the pride you get from serving your community and country, you will receive cash bonuses, learn vital life skills, and enjoy plenty of educational opportunities many wish of having.
1. Bonuses
There are many ways of making an extra buck in the National Guard. Once you have become an active member in the guard, you will start earning cash bonuses through special hobs. Also, you will get amazing incentives such as life insurance and health care.
2. Loan benefits
Additionally, members of the National Guard can access mortgage loans and retirement benefits directly after enlisting. Members also earn monetary bonuses after recruitment and when they refer somebody else to join the guard.
3. Better pay
As a member of the guard, you will receive a paycheck for each day you work. Regardless of whether you are shipped to basic training or in field work, you will receive your paycheck. How cool is that!
4. Tuition assistance
If you decide to continue with your studies after recruitment, the National Guard will cover your tuition expenses. From exam preparation to monetary assistance, no place else offers this kind of education benefits. Moreover, members of the National Guard receive monetary assistance to help them meet their living expenses.
5. Health insurance
There’s more! You can enjoy free flights in and out of the United States, discount shopping benefits at any military base in the world, as well as life insurance and health coverage. In addition to that, you can earn extra points when you recommend your friends to enlist. Nonetheless, these perks usually vary from one state to the other.
During an emergency or times of conflict, National Guard soldiers might be vulnerable to physical harm. National Guard members have a responsibility to protect the society and sometimes injuries can occur in the field.