Benefits of Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is the viscous amber liquid got from the red or black maple tree. This process of acquiring this syrup starts with tapping the maple tree, enabling the sap to drip out freely. It is usually clear in color when collected and it is then condensed through boiling to concentrate its sugar content. The boiling process also produces the deep color and characteristic flavor of the maple syrup.
1. Beneficial for the heart
Maple syrup is one of the best sweeteners that you can use to enhance the health of the entire cardiovascular system, especially the heart. Apart from being a potent antioxidant, maple syrup can also assist in reducing the advancement of atherosclerosis. It also provides zinc that is required for optimal endothelial cells function as well as preventing endothelial damage caused through the oxidation of fats and LDL cholesterol.
2. Benefits the immune system
Manganese and zinc are present in maple syrup and are vital allies in an individual’s immune system. In fact, many kinds of immune cells depend on zinc for proper function, especially in children. A zinc deficiency compromises the total number of white blood cells in the body and thus affects immune response. Manganese acts as an immune-stimulant. The manganese and zinc in this syrup are vital since they assist in reducing inflammation and supporting healing.
3. Benefits men
Maple syrup helps in supporting reproductive health and gives special advantages for men. This is because zinc is highly concentrated in the prostrate region and low zinc levels in this particular gland lead to an increased risk of getting prostate cancer. Manganese also plays an important role reproductive health since it participates in creation of sex hormones.
Side effects of too much maple syrup include frequent bowel movements and also a higher risk of teeth complications. It also lacks proteins and fiber that are important in the digestion process.