Benefits of Laptops in Classrooms
Laptops provide a better realm of studying for students and that is why they are now being used in classrooms. They make lessons interactive and keep learners engaged in their studies. They also offer instant assistance and feedback to both students and teachers. With proper management, using laptops in classrooms offers the following benefits.
1. Convenient benefits
The use of laptops in classrooms makes studying more convenient in various ways. It helps learners stay motivated and also makes studying much easier. With the various word processors, learners can easily type all their classroom notes and organize their work on computers. Actually, word programs make finishing assignments simpler as students can research, edit and give out their assignments. Furthermore, rather than researching at a library, learners can access the same information via the internet.
2. Immediate results
Most activities and programs used on laptops provide immediate scoring or grading. This provides learners the instant satisfaction that they did an excellent job. However, it may also instruct them when more practice is required and this provides them the opportunity of honing their skills. This helps ward off any future misconceptions and confusion as the students move onwards. Moreover, the instant scoring allows students to compete with other peers and friends who had taken similar tests.
3. Improves communication
With laptops, various communication opportunities are availed to the students and teachers. For example the email option enables the moving of assignments from school to home. FAQ’s and help menus exist for dealing with common questions, thereby encouraging self-reliance. Other tools like grammar check and spell check also help to construct well written assignments. It acts like a good method of learning the proper grammar and spelling usage.
Being very costly per unit, the use of laptops might be impossible for most public schools. Moreover, the maintenance and training costs also affect laptop use in classrooms.