Benefits of GMO Crops
Genetically modified organisms or GMOs is a term that is used to denote crops that are created for animal or human consumption using new molecular biology methods. These crops have been chemically altered in the lab so as to augment desired qualities like enhanced resistance to pests or increased nutritional content. Below are the benefits of GMO crops.
1. Tolerate herbicides
For certain plants, it is normally not possible to eliminate weeds through physical methods like tilling and thus farms spray large amounts of various herbicides to terminate weeds. This is an expensive and time consuming process that demands extra care to ensure that the herbicides do not harm the crops and the environment. GMO crops are made to tolerate herbicides and thus they also assist in preventing environmental damage.
2. Nutrition benefits
The problem of malnutrition is prevalent in underdeveloped nations where poor people usually depend on one crop like rice as their main food. Through inserting beneficial genes into crops like wheat and rice, scientists can enhance their nutritional content. GMO crops like rice are made such that they now contain additional minerals and vitamins. This helps alleviate any nutrient deficiencies, especially vitamin A deficiencies.
3. Resist cold
Unanticipated frost may damage sensitive seedlings. GMO crops, particularly potatoes and tobacco, now contain a beneficial antifreeze gene. This allows the crops to better tolerate very cold temperatures, which would normally destroy unmodified seedlings.
4. Salinity and drought tolerance
With the increase in world population, more land and space is used for housing rather than food production. This means famers will require growing more plants in areas that were previously unsuited for cultivations. GMO crops can tolerate long drought periods and high salinity, helping people to farm in formerly hostile areas.
Although GMO crops generate better crop yields than other unmodified crops, their taste is not really as good.