Collard greens are plant belonging to the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes vegetables like broccoli, cabbages, Brussel sprouts, kale, turnips, rutabaga and others. All the collard green vegetables are powerhouse packs of nutrients however they have very less amount of calories. For all health conscious people, collard greens must be at the very top of their grocery list as these vegetables helps us to fight against several diseases and ailments.
According to clinical records written by nutritionists and dieticians it has been found that just one cup of boiled collard greens contains as much as 5 grams of protein, 11 grams of carbohydrate, 1 gram of fat, 8 grams of dietary fibers and 1 gram of sugar which constitutes 63 calories. Apart from these collard greens also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Calcium, Iron and sufficient Magnesium that are needed for our daily needs.
Collard greens are even an extremely rich source of thiamine, niacin, foliates, pantothenic acid, chorine, and potassium and phosphorous that helps us to keep your body and mind strong.
Here are some of the possible health benefits of eating collard greens on a daily basis:
Improves bone health
As just one cup of boiled collard greens contains approximately 770 micrograms of Vitamin K, eating collard greens helps us eliminate the risks of bone fracture. Vitamin K present in these vegetables, improves calcium absorption and acts as a modifier of bone matrix proteins. It also reduces the urinary excretion of calcium from our anatomy.
Prevents Cancer
Since long, intake of cruciferous vegetables has been recommended by physicians as it lowers the risk of developing lung and colorectal cancer. In some of the recent studies done on these vegetables, it has been found that collard greens are also beneficial for resisting cancer in our prostrate. As these cruciferous vegetables contains sulfur containing compounds which are known as “glucosinolates’ intake of these vegetables are also effective against the prevention of esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer and melanoma. Collard greens also block the carcinogenic effects of heterocyclic acids which is found in grilled foods, and so, one must always make sure to pair such foods with collard greens to negate the negative effects of grilled cuisines.
Aids in digestion
As collard greens are high in both water and fiber contents, eating cruciferous vegetables helps in maintaining a healthy digestive track and prevents constipation.
Good for the health of our hair and skin
Just one single cup of collard green is sufficient for maintenance and building 50% of collagen in our body that provides structure to our skin and our hairs. As cruciferous vegetables contains Vitamin A eating these vegetables helps in growth of our body tissues. It is a known fact, stated by several dieticians that collard greens is an essential vegan diet for patients suffering from iron deficiency syndromes which also causes debility and hair loss.
Helps in lowering diabetes
It has been observed that eating cruciferous vegetables helps in increasing insulin sensitivity, lower glucose levels and also prevent all kinds of oxidative stress in patients suffering from Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
Apart from the above stated facts cruciferous vegetables also decreases peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy as it contains alpha-lipoic acid that helps in prevent these diseases.