Benefits of Clustering
Clustering refers to when two or more computers are working together for providing increased availability, scalability and reliability. Nowadays, sever clustering is also available for eliminating the limitations linked to single servers. Further down are examples of the benefits of clustering.
1. Better availability
The main advantage linked to clustering computers is that if one computer fails, any other computer within the cluster can assume the load of that failed computer. Clustering therefore fosters better availability and users of such a system normally see limited or no disruption of access.
2. Encourages business continuity
Clustering computers ensures that your business applications do not rely on one computer only. When one computer fails, you receive the required support from other computers. This action encourages business continuity and it avoids the issue of having to stop all business processes because of network failure.
3. Improves flexibility
Clustering offers a cohesive computing resource that provides IT personnel more options with regards to the configuration of the infrastructure. The improved flexibility due to clustering helps a business get a better and more professional image.
4. Enhances network performance
Through clustering servers, users benefit from an improved network performance. Both the reliability and speed of an organization’s network can be enhanced greatly through the establishment of server clusters. Network performance normally improves due to the fact that the load is spread across multiple servers.
5. Simpler maintenance
By using cluster servers, you benefit from simplified maintenance. Actually, it is possible to switch off a certain server while the others continue working. This makes sure that all network applications will be available at all times. Other than being simple to maintain, cluster serves can be configured and managed easily without taking up lots of time.
The demerit of clustering is the inability of recovering from corruption of the database, which can lead to the loss of vital data.
Spot on, a very nicely written article with good explanation. I was also of the view that clustering is not so useful for targeted searching but changed my mind when started seeing some really feature and UI rich visual clusters. thanks sharing that article also will help for making good concept about clusters.