Benefits Of ChamomileÂ’ tea
ChamomileÂ’ is a flowering herb that belongs to the daisy family of plants. Both dried and fresh flowers of this herb have traditionally been used for creating teas that then consumed to treat numerous health problems. Bisabolol, the active ingredient present in chamomile is an essential oil that has the characteristics of being an anti-irritant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Thus, it has many benefits for humans which include:
1.Improves sleep.
The most popularly known benefits of chamomile tea is to improve sleep and has been used for the same since earlier times. Due to its soothing and relaxing properties it is usually taken just before going to bed.
2.Helps in soothing the stomach.
Chamomile is helpful in treating numerous problems related to the stomach. It aids in soothing stomach aches, lowers and cures the irritable bowel syndrome, helps in the removal of waste and promotes the overall process of digestion.
3.Helps in the treatment of migraine.
Chamomile is an amazing cure for headaches caused due to migraines. A cup of chamomile tea just after the beginning of migraine symptoms helps relieving them quickly.
4.Aids in lightening of skin
Chamomile tea has been advantageously used for lightening the skin tone. Boil half a cup of water and dip two bags of chamomile tea in it. Then put your face just on top of the steaming pot of tea. You can also take a bath in a mixture of water and chamomile tea.
5.Helps in fighting cold.
Chamomile tea is rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties due to which it helps in fighting against cold and flu.
6.Helps in management of diabetes
Chamomile tea helps in the management of diabetes. Recent studies indicate that daily intake of chamomile tea prevents the development of complications in diabetics and hyperglycemia.
7.Benefits to the eyes.
Chamomile tea helps in relieving fatigue of eyes and dark circles below them. All you need to do is to dip two chamomile tea bags in lukewarm water. Remove the tea bags after 5 minutes and let the water cool to room temperature. Place these tea bags on the tired eyes at night and get relived from all fatigue.
8.Benefits to women.
Chamomile tea has been used as a home remedy for relieving Menstrual Cramps and symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).
A number of people have serious allergies to chamomile. So take care of it before making use of this tea. Pregnant women and people suffering with bleeding disorders should avoid the consumption of this tea.