Benefits of CFCs
A cold fusion component is basically a compilation of data and code that is stored in one central file. ColdFusion is not an OOP language, however CFCs makes it possible to it to have a few of the characteristics that make the OOP languages popular. For example, ColdFusion provides developers the capability of extending code to add items from other pieces of code. Moreover, it also provides us the capability of transplanting and reusing code across various applications and systems.
1. Increase speed
CFCs are piled up so that they can execute faster. This means when you build a site, CFC is first compiled and then the result is returned. Furthermore, if any changes are made to the code every time you upload something new, then the CFC is recompiled. The server is responsible for handling all of this, which increases both speed and convenience.
2. Extensibility
CFCs also provide the benefit of extensibility. This means they can be easily expanded upon, sharing methods and techniques with other kinds of CFCs, just like PHP classes and Java. Actually, CFCs can be called outwardly using the URL calls or SOAP protocol, allowing designers to avail them to other languages and other programmers.
3. Reusability
As soon as CFC has been invoked onto a page, it is usually reusable all through that particular part. Even though they might by a few exceptions where this may not happen, the benefit of reusing code means you do not have to recall a function several times on one page. In addition, if the CFC code is coded properly and is aware of the effect of extensibility, then it can be moved and shared between scripts and servers.
Finally, CFCs provide users a great security benefit. You can limit access to the CFCs as well as the methods used within them through the user settings in the CF setup.