Benefits of Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is a popular herbal supplement that helps in the production of red blood cells in the body. It offers many benefits to your health. However, it is essential to consult your doctor before you start using new supplement. Here are the reasons why you need to consider using the ashwagandha supplement:
1. Improves energy
If taken on a regular basis, ashwagandha can help reduce irritability, edginess and anxiety for 80% of women within just four weeks. In addition, according to recent studies, it also significantly boosts your energy levels, soothing the nervous system.
2. Sharpens brain power
Recent studies show that ashwagandha increases rapid production of dopamine, a brain chemical that carries message between neurons. As a result, this causes an improvement in memory; an individual becomes motivated to learn new things.
3. Minimizes arthritis pain
It contains natural steroids which dampen joint inflammation more effectively as compared to hydrocortisone. Ashwagandha helps to reduce pain in patients suffering from arthritis.
4. Minimizes cholesterol
Recent studies indicate that ashwagandha reduces cholesterol levels, which keeps your arteries young and clear. It also nourishes and protects the livers as it plays a major role in controlling cholesterol levels.
5. Reduces belly fat
Ashwagandha is very effective in reducing the levels of stress, especially the hormone referred to as cortisol. Since cortisol is the major causal factor of belly fat, consuming ashwagandha on a daily basis could significantly drop the level of cortisol in your body.
Ashwagandha has its shortcomings as well, since herbal products are not regulated accordingly, consumers run the common risk of buying herbs of low quality. On the other hand, it might be very difficult to prescribe the right dosage when it comes to herbal medication. This is due to the fact that herb products vary among brands, manufactures, or batches.
Yes, there these and many other benefits for Ashwagandha. As a 50+ person, I can tell you it works! Here is where I get my supplies, this company makes their products in USA and have Organic Ashwagandha: