Benefits of Arginine
Arginine contains essential amino acids produced in the liver, and also found in foods rich in protein like red meat. Recent medical studies indicate that by supplementing arginine of about 5-6 grams, these are the benefits:
1. Reduces aging process
Arginine hinders cross linking, a major mechanism that affect the aging process. Arginine increases the production of human growth hormone (also known as anti-aging hormone).
2. Improves cardiovascular system
Arginine has been known to improve blood circulation, facilitates vasodilation and improves exercise capability.
Arginine enhances blood circulation that stimulates the release of nitric oxide, which helps to reduce vasoconstriction, and initiates vasodilation therefore relaxes the blood vessels.
Arginine increases the production and release of plasmin which increases the process of vasodilation preventing abnormal blood clotting.
Arginine also prevents free radicals, which induce damage to blood vessels. This enhances the release of nitric acid by the blood vessels.
Arginine significantly enhances cardiac output and stroke volume without affecting the rate of heartbeat. This is very helpful especially to patients with congestive heart failure as increases vasodilation which then improves blood circulation in the body.
Arginine reduces blood pressure in hypertension patients. Basically, it facilitates the production of NO (nitric acid) which impedes the angiotensin enzyme.
Arginine enhances blood circulation and minimizes pulmonary blood pressure as well. It also increases the walking distance in claudication patients.
3. Digestive system
Arginine deficiency has been known to cause constipation and also supplementation decreases the production of gallstones.
Arginine minimizes intestinal permeability, which then affects the production of nitric oxide in the body.
4. Excretory system
Arginine prevents degradation of the liver and kidneys which significantly enhances function of the kidneys.
Arginine alleviates the discomfort and pain associated with the medical condition known as interstitial cystitis.
Arginine has its shortcomings as well; it doesn’t provide health benefits to the heart in any way. On the other hand, arginine activates an enzyme which breaks the effectiveness of medication.