Benefits of Altruism
Altruism refers to the selfless concern regarding the well-being of other people. In most cultures, altruism is a part of the traditional virtues and it is also a key part of various religions like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism among others. There are many benefits of altruism as revealed further below.
1. Enhances mental health
The increased energy and positive feelings generated when a person is altruistic are vital to the general mental health. Research has exposed that the churchgoers who offer support and care to others had better mental function in contrast with other people. The altruistic act of being charitable is beneficial since the simple nature of concentrating on other people counteracts the self-absorbed nature of depression or anxiety. This kind of outer-focus usually results in a modification in how a person perceives their life.
2. Increases social support
Similar to the common saying that what goes round usually comes around, you will also be rewarded for your altruism. Every time you make an altruistic personal sacrifice, it is very probable that you will end up getting some benefits from others through favors. Such people earn the recognition as generous individuals and they get favors from other people who they might not have helped directly. The social support and favors that you get through altruism end up making up for any sacrifices that you may have made as you assisted others.
3. Alleviates stress
Any time you feel overwhelmed and stressed, you might feel like you are unable to give assistance to others. However, performing altruistic acts may act like a great remedy for your stress. Through aiding other people, a certain area of the mind that is linked to positive feelings is activated. This lifts your moods and relieves the stress.
The disadvantage of altruism is that it is very costly and it may make the recipients dependent.