Benefits Of Aged Garlic

Benefits of Aged Garlic

Aged garlic is made from fermenting standard garlic for about two years. Garlic cloves are chopped up and placed for 20 months in alcohol. In this process, the sulfur compounds present in garlic are usually broken down into less stronger compounds with regards to taste and odor. Aged garlic therefore offers similar benefits to the standard garlic, without the powerful sulfur effects.

1. Prevents dementia

Aged garlic helps to guard the brain from conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It actually eliminates conditions caused by degenerating cells. Even though aged garlic promotes cell death, studies show it protects the impulse conducting cells of the brain from apoptosis. Furthermore, taking aged garlic enhances the brain’s capability to memorize and learn. It is said to extend the brain’s overall lifespan.

2. Heart benefits

Aged garlic has the ability of preventing and treating heart complications. It lowers the levels of bad cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream and also the cholesterol that accumulates on the lining of arteries. These actions alone reduce the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack. Frequent consumption of aged garlic also reduces homocysteine levels significantly. Homocysteine is basically a kind of protein present in the bloodstream and having high amounts of it can result in blood vessel sickness, stroke and heart disease.

3. Prevents cancer

Aged garlic assists to prevent cancer through encouraging cell death as well as preventing development of vessels of blood. Cancer cells also go through this process of developing new vessels of blood when forming a tumor. Preventing this angiogenesis process is therefore a great way of inhibiting tumor growths. Moreover, aged garlic aids cancer patients as they undertake their treatments and it can lessen the side effects linked to chemotherapy.

Excessive consumption of aged garlic is not advisable as it causes nausea, gas, vomiting and diarrhea.

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