Benefits Of Equality
Equality is a very broad term and has different meaning for different people. The term basically means “being the same‒ in aspects such as quantity, measure, value and status. This state of being fundamentally equivalent or equal brings a lot satisfaction among people. Equality is closely connected with morality and justice and incorporates various types of equality such as formal equality, proportional equality and moral equality. The above different types of equality are used at different places but each has its own set of advantages. Some benefits of following the principle of equality are:
1. Fair behavior to all.
Equality relates to the respect and fair treatment towards a group of individuals. All people thus get an equality of opportunity for accessing services and fulfilling their potential. Thus, equality aims at providing fair behavior to all while identifying that everyone is different.
2. Benefits to employees.
Organizations that work on the foundation of equality provide equal opportunities to all their employees. Thus, all of them have equal and fair access to a variety of jobs, training and promotion.
3. Benefits to the organization.
When all employees are given equal opportunities, they have sufficient alternatives for contributing towards the growth of the organization. They can work towards maximizing their potential, thus leading to the growth of the organization.
4. Benefits to women.
In earlier days, women were considered inferior to men. This was apparent in the lower number of women being permitted to work, their lower levels in the organization and less salaries as compared to men. Since the inclusion of the concept of equality, the condition of women has improved. The last century has witnessed the rise in the status that women hold both in the professional and social aspects. They are now considered equal to men and are offered all opportunities of growth that earlier were offered only to men. More women are now working and supporting their family income. They now hold important designations in the organizations, and get salaries at par with those of the men.
5. Benefits to citizens.
Constitutions of most countries of the world are based on the concept of equality to all its citizens. This offers all citizens an equal right to live in any part of the country, have a profession of their choice, have the rights to contest elections and select the leaders of their nations. This concept of equality has led to the development of a sense of respect among their citizens.
The above discussion makes it clear that equality is beneficial for all. It is vital that those countries and organizations that still make discrimination on the basis of caste, color, race and sex, realize these benefits and adopt the concept of equality and get benefitted by it.
This is Avery interesting forum . I had three children ; 2boys and a girl I taught the boys how to play chess and I this notion that girls we’re not good at chess in 2014 the boys appeared in news as having excelled in the national juniors chess championships . The next day my daughter refused to go school.the mother told me that she felt so bad that she had not been offered an opportunity to challenge the boys in agame she thought she cld 2015 she played in open tournament beat 6 boys including her young young brother and took the boys cup.