Benefits of XBRL
XBRL (extensible business reporting language) is a way that data and information is transferredÂ’ between corporations both online and offline. Each piece of information has an identification
label that allows figures and facts to be transmitted speedily across websites and databases.Â’ Some common examples of XBRL software include Mission Kit, Dragon View and XWand. XBRLÂ’ has demonstrated numerous benefits for both regulators and businesses.
1. Standardization
XBRL offers a standard way of communicating business information. In the previous years,Â’ central bank or government agencies requesting financial information would gather and accessÂ’ the requirements then transmit them after formatting. It may then receive requisitions forÂ’ clarification, which translates to another round of formatting and deliberating. XBRL has provenÂ’ to be effective because its cost is usually shared over an extensive range of data users.
2. Taxonomy
XBRL mainly consists of link bases and schemes that offer explicit classifications for a wideÂ’ range of data elements. Basically, these definitions are very essential as they ensure that theÂ’ users along the data supply network can be assured they are sharing the same information.
3. Cost saving
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is somewhat similar to XBRL, but is quite cumbersomeÂ’ with regards to the back-end tags. Prior to the introduction of extensible business reportingÂ’ language, many corporations filed their business records using spreadsheets, portableÂ’ document format and HTML which allowed slower auditing of information and more errors.Â’ Combined, this amounts to higher costs to receive, send, audit and validate the financialÂ’ records. On the other hand, XBRL is proven to reduce the aforementioned costs significantly,Â’ which means that financial savings will be widely realized.
4. Data analysis
Corporations can use automated software to validate information received through XBRL.Â’ Moreover, the software can spot problems that accountants and auditors can analyze muchÂ’ deeper.
The largest drawback that remains is cost. XBRL could cause a decline in reporting costs, whichÂ’ means that some companies might find it challenging to justify the costs.