Benefits of Telework
Also known as e-work, telework is an arrangement made where employees work from home or at home. Employees using this arrangement are able to work at their own set hours and in whichever locations as long as they are able to submit a set amount of work as required. They communicate with their offices using email, fax, or telephone. For many people, working from home is convenient because they can be able to save up on fuel and lunch money and these are just of the few benefits of telework. Others are mentioned below:-
1. Cost savings
Both the employers and employees enjoy this fact. The employer is able to save many costs such as premises, labour and several other infrastructure costs and companies which have adopted this method have reported a significant reduction of costs because of reduced office occupancy. The employees are also able to save up because things like staff relocation are eliminated. This way everybody can work at the comfort of their homes.
2. Increased productivity
Not only has it been reported, but it has also been researched and proven true that teleworking increases productivity. Because of avoiding travel and interruptions, people are able to work well at homes than in offices. Also, the office can be too uptight and uncomfortable sometimes hence working from home can prove to be more fruitful. With time, a company which has started on this method is bound to report on significant productivity gains.
3. Flexible working hours
With teleworking, working hours are flexible. All individual workers have their own daily rhythm of work. While some work best in the morning, others are more comfortable to work in the afternoon or evening. This is beneficial because unlike working in an office which condemns everyone to work under certain hours and conditions, people can be able to work when they feel they are most productive.
This method of working commands a lot of discipline which if not observed can lead to work piling up which is not very advisable.