Benefits of SSO
SSO signifies Single Sign On and it is the capability of users to enter one password and ID for accessing several applications in an enterprise. Using this property, users only log in one time and access all the systems without being required to input their details again at every one of them. Here are benefits of SSO.
1. Increases productivity
An apparent benefit of using SSO is that a user can move easily and uninterrupted between services without having to specify their credentials every time. Employees can get their work done much faster as they are no time wasting pauses to insert their details. SSO efficiently joins individual services and also removes service boundaries. This makes changing from one task to another much simpler and thus increases productivity.
2. Benefits web developers
SSO also benefits IT administrators as they can save both resources and time through making use of a central web management services. Web and application developers get a total authorization and authentication framework which they can utilize for building user customized and secure services. SSO also eliminates the need of application developers having to comprehend and also add identity security features in their software or applications.
3. Better management
SSO provides a single method of managing user information since there is one password and thus there are fixed set of rules. It also offers the capability of enforcing authorization policies throughout the enterprise.
4. Simple to use
SSO users no longer require remembering numerous passwords for accessing various applications or systems. It reduces password fatigue that usually occurs from using different password and user name combinations. Furthermore, it lowers the time users spend re-entering their details for accessing a certain system.
As SSO offers an access to several resources when the user has been authenticated, it enhances the undesirable impacts in case credentials are misused by the users.