Benefits of Serrapeptase


Serrapeptase is an enzyme that is sourced from silkworms. It is classified as an enzyme that is studied to have various health benefits. In some countries around the world, serrapeptase is the main ingredient of some drugs. In the US, serrapeptase enzyme is often included in many health supplements. Medical experts and scientists isolated serrapeptase from the serratia type of bacteria that are found in silkworms. This enzyme has been known to have anti-inflammatory properties similar to other traditional substances and chemicals. The following are some of the benefits of this health enzyme:

  1. Dissolution of blood clots

The anti-inflammatory properties of serrapeptase are studied to be very effective in dissolving blood clots which is common in conditions such as atherosclerosis. This medical condition could often lead to stroke and possible death of patients. With serrapeptase, the plaque build-up in the walls of arteries will be dissolved and therefore improving or restoring normal blood flow. The best thing about serrapeptase is that it does not cause any damage to the healthy cells around the arterial walls.

  1. Reduction of inflammation

Serrapeptase is touted as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Some experts even promote this enzyme as an alternative to ibuprofen-based drugs and common NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Common signs of inflammation include pain and swelling and these can be effectively reduced by serrapeptase. Studies of post-operative cases in Europe have even revealed that this enzyme can help reduce swelling and/or edema to as much as 50% post-operatively. Less pain has also been reported by patients included in the same study.

  1. Relief of symptoms in chronic conditions

Serrapeptase used in chronic medical cases like sinusitis for example have also proven to be effective. Its anti-inflammatory effect is the main reason why this enzyme helps control the symptoms associated with chronic conditions. In the case of chronic infections involving the ears, nose, and throat, serrapeptase has been studied to help reduce mucus production and viscosity. The same enzyme also helps in the regression of symptoms.

  1. Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

People who have carpal tunnel syndrome often complain of pain and numbness in their hands which often radiates to the forearm. Sever cases also lead to weakness in the hand muscles. These symptoms are said to be relieved significantly by regular treatment with serrapeptase. The nerves supplying the hand and fingers are damaged and affected in carpal tunnel syndrome and serrapeptase acts on these nerves to help alleviate the symptoms associated with this disease.

The anti-inflammatory effect of serrapeptase is what made it popular in the scientific and medical community. Many supplements and drugs in various parts of the world contain this powerful enzyme which is studied to be effective against various medical conditions. This enzyme is also being studied and researched upon for its other applications and possible help for various other ailments. Conditions such as multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, angina, varicose veins, and various sports injuries are among the many conditions that are being studied for the therapeutic and medical effects of serrapeptase.

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