Benefits of Kyolic Garlic
Garlic is a popular spice that has been used for decades both as medicine and food. Most people all around the world, particularly those known for having long life and excellent health, have extensively used garlic in their nutrition. Kyolic garlic is popularly used in the treatment of bronchial disorders, pulmonary gangrene, tuberculosis and lupus. The benefits of kyolic garlic include:
1. Antioxidant properties
According to recent scientific studies, kyolic garlic has antioxidant properties which help protect the arteries, meaning it inhibits unstable molecules, free radical that may damage the arteries. When left unchecked, unstable radicals can cause heart diseases and hardening of the arterial wall.
2. Protects against diseases
Kyolic garlic has been proven to offer protection against oxidant-induced ailments, chemical exposure and toxic damage, and long- term chemical exposure. On the other hand, garlic preparations lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels through oxidation of (LDL) and bio-synthesis in the cardiovascular system.
3. Improves cellular antioxidant properties
Exposure to harmful substances tends to reduce levels of body’s glutathione. Kyolic acid has antioxidant properties which have been proven to increase glutathione levels in the cells and cellular antioxidant enzymes. Nutritionally oriented physicians and scientists attest that maintaining higher levels of glutathione may be associated with good health.
4. Acts as detoxifying agent
Kyolic garlic can also act as a detoxifying agent, and offers protection against liver toxins. In a recent study, kyolic acid protected against induced liver toxicity.
5. Prevents risk of cancer
Apart from its heart and liver-protective ability, kyolic garlic might also protect against stomach cancer by enhancing effectiveness of the immune system. According to recent studies in China, people who consume lots of garlic have no or low incidence of stomach cancer. On the other hand, those who consume kyolic garlic regularly have low risk of colon diseases.
The main disadvantage of consuming kyolic garlic is possible migraines and smelly breath. On the other hand, sensitive skin may become irritated upon direct contact causing a skin condition referred to as contact dermatitis.